Vector - Design Direction


Vector Ltd (Vector) engaged UiRevolution and our fine friends at The Goat Farm to assess the value of its property As the central portal to Vector customers there was a desire to ensure the value proposition is fully realised and key business outcomes met.

Having recently embedded the new brand identity created By The Goat Farm we knew the importance of this portal for Vector. The website needs to be able to serve as both the portal for the regulated side of the business, as well as the unregulated business units. 



The current website was built many years ago. The business, alongside customer desires, had come quite some way since. While there has been a range of iterations and improvements, there was curiosity whether the underlying information architecture of the website could further reflect Vector’s ambitions and customer needs.

This project presented an ideal chance to test our current assumptions and understandings of how best Vector can be of service and build on the great work undertaken within the organisation. This work allowed us to recommend a revitalised UX and pull together some conceptual ideas as a foundation to a full redesign and development of the website.



The customer formed the foundation to this work. We put the customer in the centre; beginning with online surveys, interviews and user testing. We drew on our internal knowledge of Vector customers and potential customers, and co-designed solutions with an empathetic lens to their needs, wants, challenges and opportunities.

Co-design sessions across key personnel within Vector allowed us to bring the wisdom and insight together. These people know their customers, and as such we were able to harness this empathy and insight to co-design and prototype three carefully considered and informed Vector experiences.

The process pulled together into our final testing stage with our research group, while folding in our business success criteria sourced from Corporate, Brand, CX and Digital. This gave us a strong indication of where we can direct our resources for realising success.



We realised success for this project by undertaking a range of highly considered methodologies, asking the right questions, and listening – really listening.

Building on existing Vector personas we identified key people that have the potential to be a Vector customer beyond network services. We built these personas on extensive research and interviews, enabling us to create insights into their lives.

By engaging with key stakeholders within Vector throughout this work, we were able to draw upon their significant insight and empower them to take ownership of the recommendations.

The resulting mahi presented a clear opportunity for Vector to realise its strategic vision with a clear understanding in how can add increased value to their customers while aligning with all key business units that form the Vector family.


Fulton Hogan

